Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New Pal

Well here we go with the newest news. We are going to start breeding Missy Dee Fur. This is her newest mate. He was born on June 28,2008. We are going to name him "Blue Bald Bobby". He will join our family the first of September. Can't wait until we get him.
He will be one of the blue ones. Whenever I get new pics and can choose I will update that then.

But until then we are going to mate Missy with Bobby's dad "Spook". This will take place later this month. I will update the blog when she is prego so that those of you who want one can let me know.

Wahoo! New Babies Soon.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Walk Down Memory Lane

Walk down memory lane.

1. Add a comment of a memory you have of the two of us together. You can choose one that is way back when or not so long ago. It can be anything that comes to mind. Once you left a comment I assume you are playing too.
2. Post instructions on your page and see what memories take you down memory lane.

Have fun!